We would like to welcome you to become a member of Myanmar Restaurant Association (MRA) Yangon Zone. MRA is formed by 24 Restaurateurs on May 11, 2011 in Yangon.
- MRA is one of the 11 Associations under Myanmar Tourism Federation (MTF) affiliated with under Ministry of Hotels and Tourism(MOHT).
- Formed by 24 Restaurateurs on May 11, 2011 in Yangon and now have 480 members countrywide. More Associations to be formed in the country during 2015.
2013-2015 Central Executive Committee Members of Myanmar Restaurant Association (MRA )
MRA is to be the leading and supportive organization for the development all Restaurants in Myanmar through education, professional developments and positive exchange of ideas and views.
Through continuous support, encouragement, professional update and development of all the restaurants. We are pledged to work together to make International Restaurants and Myanmar Cuisine widely known in the ASEAN countries and in the world.

MRA’s 11Delegations attended the Workshop Training in Japan 2013
- Members are to work together to develop the quality and service of the restaurants in Myanmar.
- MRA to promote the regional food and cuisine of the different races of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the local and city customers as well as to the expatriates, international visitors and foreign tourists.
- MRA will update the information concerning food quality, restaurant services and technologies by providing information from the Internet, local and foreign publications and associating with international restaurant associations etc.,.
- We will keep in good contact with the other MRA Zones in the country to develop relationship, to share the knowledge and different methods of regional cooking and cuisine.